Ming Hsien Chien

[News] Start my new journy to be a Storage Software Enigneer Intern in Western Digital (Sandisk)
Passionate software and system developer | Full of interesting ideas | Keep enthusiastic, keep starving, keep fit, keep moving forward
Sotrage Software Engineer Intern
@Western Digital (Milpitas)
May. 2020 - Aug. 2020
Master of Computer Engineering student
@Texas A&M Univeristy
Aug. 19 - Expect to May. 2021
Product Devlopment Engineer Internship
@Intel Corporation
Mar. 18 - Dec.18
Got return FT offer in Taiwan after inernship
B.Sc. in Electrical and Computer Engineering
@National Chiao Tung University
Sept. 15 - Jan.19

I was a internship at Intel Corporation for 10 months, where I proposed software test prototypes and implemented by python scripts to automate system level validation. Not only interested in infrastruce or system, it's extremely passionated for me to dedicate in kinds of software development and much motivated to learn as much as possible. I want to use my knowledge to influence more people while keeping learning every day.

Here is my curriculum vitae, last upadated Aug. 2019.


  • Analysis Of Social Network (Python)
    1.Scraped 1469 Facebook users’ profiles by Facebook API and tackled data for four kinds of preprocessors by SQL.
    2.Implemented the SVM model to extract five critical features of potential Cyber Relationship Addiction.
    Project Link

  • Self-Driving Automobiles System (C++/Python)
    1.Developed the model of object detection in raspberry pi2 and distinguished 20 features with 90% accuracy rate.
    2.Carried out image transitions on the robotic operation systems and responding driving direction in the real time.
    Project Link

  • Algorithm of Intersection Manager (C++)
    1.Simplfy a traffic jame problem to the computing model.
    2.Implement an effective greedy algorithm to manage vehicles and reduce waiting time by 30%.
    Project Link


  • 3rd in International Science Fair & International Special prize for American Society for Metals
    Research Polylactic Acid Nature leaf fiber composite material, and use corn leaf fiber as a reinforcing material for Polylactic Acid and make the length of the corn leaf fiber. Finally, we improve property of the composite material Significantly.Paper Link

  • The Second Prize of Object-Oriented Programming Final Project Contest
    Magic adventure is a side-scrolling shooting game. I also practice concept of object-oriented programming on this project. Project Link

  • Young Scientists Development Program
    Foster potential students superior research talents in basic science and applied science. Pick up only 30 students from gifted classes in Taiwan and devote to cutting-edge research.
    National Taiwan Science Education Center


  • NCTU ECE Soccer Club
    I was the captain of this soccer team. With refining club coherence and cultivating teamwork, we got 3 interschool champions and 4 champions at NCTU .
  • NCTU ECE Student Association
    I'm the Vice Minister of NCTU ECE Academic Student Association. I devoted to establish the platform and help students realize field of research of all labs in NCTU ECE.Over 3000 viwers watched these videos in a semester.

    Video Link